Your Work Order Process.

Streamline your work order process with a fully digitized and collaborative platform integrated with QR codes.

Integrates with: SAP, Totvs, Oracle and other ERPs.

Planning and Scheduling

What are the top 2 most important KPIs for you to measure?

Work order management is a vital priority to maintenance managers*. Make backlog a thing of the past with TracOS™.


Plan attainment/compliance


Equipment reliability


Work order management (including backlog)

*this data was sourced from ABL's “2023 Global Maintenance Manager Report”. Survey respondents were asked “What are the top 2 most important KPIs for you to measure?”

A total, end-to-end, work order platform.

QR code Integration

Manage your assets by scanning the QR codes affixed to each machine.

KPI Tracking

Track and manage key maintenance data in real time.

Team collaboration

Keep your team on the same page with the inbuilt chat feature.

Request a demo

Never lose track of your maintenance.

TracOS™ organizes every asset and component for you. Create, update, and monitor work orders simply by scanning an asset’s QR code. Easily access historical work order data, from assigned tasks to completed inspections, in one place.

See all the tasks assigned to an asset.

View which team member has completed a task.

Assess time taken to complete maintenance.

Tracos work orders - IA Maintenance

Track key metrics and performance in real-time.

As tasks are assigned and completed with TracOS™, you can access performance metrics like cost per work order, inventory used, task completion time, team efficiency, and so much more. Learn where your areas of improvement are with real-time, accurate data.

Accurately maintain inventory levels.

Get insights into your team’s performance.

Know how to improve your maintenance.

Tracos mobile reports costs

Improve your team’s collaboration and communication.

With its inbuilt chat feature and ability to upload images, videos, and personalized comments directly into work orders, TracOS™ ensures you and your team are on the same page regarding tasks and expectations.

Stay updated with task progress instantly.

Share crucial information with relevant team members.

Never lose track of your maintenance.

Communication tracos maintenance

ABL's 2023 Global Maintenance Manager Report found that the primary struggle faced by maintenance teams is planning and scheduling.*

Planning & scheduling


*this data was sourced from ABL's “2023 Global Maintenance Manager Report.” Survey respondents were asked “In your opinion, what does your team struggle with the most?”

Join Industry Leaders. Choose TRACTIAN.

TRACTIAN is more than a Condition-Based Asset Monitoring tool. We are a comprehensive, end-to-end solution. Let us be the business partner that makes your job easier, and brings you industry-leading results.

With up to 18x ROI, the results speak for themselves.

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