PM Scheduling Software: Simplify Planning and Scheduling

With TracOS™, you can use Artificial Intelligence to help plan maintenance routines and schedule operations, saving time and resources with full predictability.

Planejamento e Programação

Visual Management and Strategy Automation

To organize and maximize control over activities, TracOS™ enables the management of every detail of your operation.

Smart Calendars
and Programming

Through smart calendars, the planner can set each activity taking into account all technician schedules, and distribute tasks among them, establishing the available hours for each assignee to perform the operations.

TRACTIAN AI™ recommends how often a task should be executed, ensuring that each asset receives the necessary periodic care according to manufacturer manuals and industrial processes.

When scheduling operations, you can split activities according to each technician's available hours and the hours needed to complete each task, as defined in the planning schedule.

The logic is similar to operation scheduling in SAP PM, which can be integrated with TracOS™, centralizing all information on a single platform.


Become Less Reactive,
More Proactive:
Gain Predictability in Your PMs

Reduce reactive or corrective maintenance by using TracOS™ planning and scheduling. Check out the features designed for your operation: plan each work order and schedule each task with utmost attention to detail.

Learn more about Work Order Management

Complete Visibility
Over Scheduling

Gantt Charts provide complete visibility of all Work Orders and operations. This way, you can track and understand the progress of each activity.

Viewing the calendars on your mobile device gives you complete autonomy to understand technician schedules, so you can see how activities are progressing in real time.


Unpredictable Planning Leads to Unpredictable Results

TracOS™ provides complete visibility into maintenance routines through the Work Orders Gantt Chart.

With the CMMS/EAM, planners gain predictability in each operation through the macro activities, and can view the full duration of each service. This enables all activities to be scheduled seamlessly, with resource optimization according to each task.



When maintaining critical assets, strictly adhering to the manufacturer's manual or a predetermined inspection frequency may not always be the best alternative.

With TracOS™, you can set preventive plans based on equipment condition and usage, as well as define threshold parameters for each machine, according to your production strategy.

We understand that each piece of equipment has specific needs, which vary over time and within the context in which it operates.


The top expert in the field
working for your company.

Start planning and scheduling your maintenance with the help of the most advanced Artificial Intelligence on the market.

Meet More Features of TracOS™