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With Tractian's ebooks, you will learn the best techniques to take your industrial career to the next level.

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ebooks of maintenance with tractian
Vibration Monitoring and Analysis

Vibration Monitoring and Analysis

Learn how to monitor asset vibration and perform realtime analyses, avoiding downtime and unexpected losses.

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Zero Downtime

Zero Downtime

Don't get caught by surprise with emergency corrective maintenance.

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Cloud Maintenance Management Software

Cloud Maintenance Management Software

Implement all CMMS techniques and get all the results with a single tool.

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The Maintenance Manager's Role in Digital Transformation

The Maintenance Manager's Role in Digital Transformation

Discover how maintenance managers are leading digital transformation in their organizations, enhancing efficiency, and fostering innovation in their processes.

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Electric Motors

Electric Motors

Learn everything about electric motors, from components and operating principles to common failures and diagnostic methods.

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Predictive Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance

It is time to move beyond emergency corrections and learn the benefits of predictive maintenance.

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