Bathtub Curve
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What will you learn in the Ebook?

Bathtub Curve

Understanding the graph in depth

The bathtub curve illustrates the typical behavior of a piece of equipment or component in regards to its failure rate over time. By understanding the graph you will be able to identify the infant mortality, service life, and wear period.

Techniques to increase the useful life of your assets

Even the 'natural' wear and tear must be monitored by the maintenance team, otherwise it becomes magnified and significantly reduces the quality of the asset. That’s why we have listed some techniques that help increase the life of your equipment.

What phase of the curve is your asset in?

Identifying how the failure behavior of your assets is is fundamental in order to define the best maintenance method, since the curve has a direct impact on the availability that the machine will have for production.

Technology in your favor

Using maintenance management softwares, such as TRACTIAN's, that collect data from the assets in real time, it is possible to analyze the indicators, automate the processes, and offer accurate diagnoses, allowing the manager and the team to focus on other tasks.