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What is Asset Utilization?
Asset utilization measures how effectively a company uses its assets to generate revenue. Simple, right? In an industrial context, assets include machinery, equipment, tools, and even human resources — and how well the company uses them. The interpretation behind this metric is plain-and-simple: A high number indicates that these assets are being used efficiently to produce maximum output, while low asset utilization suggests underuse or inefficiencies. In a factory plant, the assets can be:
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What is Asset Utilization?
Asset utilization measures how effectively a company uses its assets to generate revenue. Simple, right? In an industrial context, assets include machinery, equipment, tools, and even human resources — and how well the company uses them. The interpretation behind this metric is plain-and-simple: A high number indicates that these assets are being used efficiently to produce maximum output, while low asset utilization suggests underuse or inefficiencies. In a factory plant, the assets can be:
Marianna Musso

Enterprise Asset Management: Everything You Need To Know
Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) It’s more than just keeping track of your stuff, it’s a strategic approach that optimizes how you use your equipment. Think of it as the conductor of your entire operation, making sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. EAM has come a long way. It used to be all about spreadsheets and filing cabinets, but now it’s a sophisticated system that integrates with your whole business. Rule Asset Management Today It helps you predict maintenance needs, schedu
Billy Cassano

Remote Equipment Monitoring: Everything You Need To Know
Imagine you’re the conductor of a symphony. Every instrument is vital. In an industry scenario, unlike an orchestra, your equipment can’t exactly tell you when they’re about to go off-key. So, how do you keep the music playing? Traditionally, the answer involved a lot of legwork — constant check-ups, a watchful eye on gauges, and hoping for the best. But the industrial landscape is changing its tune. Enter Remote Equipment Monitoring (REM), a technological shift that’s more than just keeping a
Billy Cassano
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CMMS Software: How to Get Time and Cost Reports on TRACTIAN’s Management Solution
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MAINTENANCE KPIs: Getting Key Performance Indicators for Maintenance with Tractian’s CMMS Software
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