Bearings Library: How to calculate Bearing Frequencies automatically
Bearing failures are among the most common causes of machine breakdowns in industrial settings, often leading to significant downtime and maintenance costs.At the heart of understanding and diagnosing these failures lie the concepts of fundamental frequencies, such as the Ball Pass Frequency of the Outer Race (#BPFO), Ball Pass Frequency of the Inner Race (#BPFI), and the Ball Spin Frequency (#BSF).Calculating fundamental frequencies by hand is an intricate and time-consuming process. It involves a deep understanding of the bearing geometry, including the number of balls, pitch diameter, contact angle, and other specific dimensions. The calculations are complex and prone to errors if not done meticulously.The TRACTIAN Bearings Library is an autocomplete database which encompasses over 70 thousand bearing models for automatic parameter calculations. With it, #maintenance and #reliability professionals can accurately diagnose issues without the need for labor-intensive manual computations.