AI-generatedMaintenance Procedures

The most advanced patented technology on the market understands your maintenance planning end-to-end, makes future recommendations, and generates complete procedures and checklists to streamline your inspections.

<span class='text-blue-600'>AI-generated</span><br class='lg:block hidden'/>Maintenance Procedures


Assisted Maintenance For More Productive Teams

Count on technology to assist you on custom procedures, and perform more efficient and productive maintenance.


  • General and inaccurate checklists

  • Poorly defined inspection processes

  • Important steps overlooked in inspection routes

  • Unnecessary time spent developing each procedure


  • Unique checklists for every activity, considering each machine's special needs

  • AI-defined processes focusing on maximum optimization and productivity

  • Extensive database does not allow important information to get overlooked

  • Artificial Intelligence considers time and geolocation data to design each procedure automatically, with the order and number of items defined in a personalized and more efficient way

No Room for Mistakes

Reduce rework and overtime with TracOS™ automation tools that leave no room for error.

If a fault is identified or a maintenance plan is scheduled, the system automatically generates an intervention or prevention checklist. It lists all necessary actions to ensure the problem is avoided and maintenance reaches its maximum potential, considering both data from TRACTIAN's extensive customer base who have similar assets, and data particular to your operation.


Risky, Reactive Maintenance Equals Lost Time and Profits

If there is risk of not knowing machine condition or how much time is needed for each activity, change the course of action. Implement a system that anticipates human errors.

Ensure efficiency and assertiveness with TracOS™. The system deeply understands your operation and creates automatic inspection routes, according to the needs of that specific plan, with the end goal of making the technician's job easier.

interior gestao escritorio

Integrate Procedures To Your ERP's Notifications and Maintenance Orders

TracOS™ is the only maintenance software on the market capable of fully integrating to SAP, Oracle, and other ERPs.

No need to settle for just one system: combine the tools you already use with TRACTIAN advanced Artificial Intelligence to maximize your maintenance plans.

More information about TracOS™ integrations >

Around-the-clock, Automatic Maintenance Management at Your Service.