

Concentrate all the tools you already use in your maintenance routine on a single platform: from SAP to Oracle.


Connect tools.
Integrate processes and results.

Check out which software and tools you already use can be integrated with TracOS™.


Quickly integrate SAP PM information and data into TracOS™ including work orders, inventory and asset history.


Strategic process management gains a new ally by integrating with TracOS™ for greater control and results.


Import all data and information from Oracle into TracOS™, improving and unifying maintenance teams.

Integrate faster than you could imagine

Open API

TracOS™ is truly open software. Our open API allows your IT team to quickly do the entire integration without any red tape.

Enterprise Integration

We collaborate with leading ERPs, management tools and software, as well as IoT solutions. Connect your entire ecosystem and manage maintenance in one place.


Start with SAP,
reap the rewards in TracOS™.


Work Orders

Import work orders already posted in SAP into TracOS™ or create them in TracOS™ and mirror them to SAP in transaction form.

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With the integration of TracOS™ with SAP, invoice submission is integrated and replaces the need to use transactions. The analysis and approval is done via Kanban, which optimizes the PCM routine.


Inventory Control

Don't worry, the same codes used to identify items in your inventory within SAP can also be used in TracOS™. Just type in the code to integrate an item or to find out if you need to buy new ones.

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No longer rely on pen and paper to calculate key KPIs. Just give TracOS™ the information and you'll reap the results of data-driven management.


QR Codes

Create individual QR Codes for each of your assets, warehouse items, or plant locations. Simply point your phone's camera to link a Work Order to a specific asset, view its history, or open new requests for the team.


Transactions performed in SAP are mirrored in TracOS™ and vice versa. By adopting TracOS™ as the core software, you focus only on what matters most: eliminating errors and equipment downtime efficiently.



Track maintenance from anywhere. Mobility in TracOS™ goes far beyond just ending paper work orders. You’ll gain total control of asset management whether on your cell phone, tablet or computer.

Join our community.

Hundreds of other organizations already use TracOS™ to manage their assets and maintenance routines.
