Calculadora de ROI: Descubra o que é, e como usar na indústria
Você faria um investimento sem saber qual pode ser o retorno? Essa pergunta pode até parecer óbvia, mas serve justamente para dar ideia da importância de uma calculadora de ROI para a indústria. Mas antes de entendermos o porquê de se calcular o ROI na indústria, precisamos entender o significado dessa palavra. O ROI é uma sigla para a expressão em inglês “Return on Investment”, traduzido para a língua portuguesa “Retorno sobre Investimento”. De forma geral, o retorno sobre o investimento (ROI
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How TRACTIAN Helps Your Maintenance Management
TRACTIAN exists to facilitate and optimize the routine of the professionals who work on the front line of industries, the maintenance managers. Our goal is simple and clear, but understanding how we put it into practice may seem a little more complicated, since our products differ from everything else in the maintenance market today. That is why, today, we bring you a complete manual of all the TRACTIAN solutions so you can understand once and for all who we are, what we do, and how our predi
Alex Vedan

Bearing Maintenance: all you need to know
A pillar is a column that supports a building’s structure. To do so, it needs to be strong and resistant to the wear that comes with time. If the pillars are weakened, the house falls down. But why are we talking about constructions? Well, because every industrial plant also has its pillars – the bearings. Essential for the operation, these components act as fixed support to the machine’s rotating elements, ensuring that the mechanical transmission systems work properly. Like a pillar for a ho
Alex Vedan

Learn all about electric motor maintenance
If there is one thing that cannot, under any circumstances, be overlooked in the manufacturing sector, it is the electric motor. According to PROCEL (Brazilian National Program for the Preservation of Electricity), this equipment is responsible for 68% of the electric power consumption in the Brazilian industrial sector (and in certain segments, such as the textile industry, the consumption reaches 98%). Therefore, it would not be an overstatement to say that the electric motor is the heart of t
Alex Vedan
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