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Asset Performance Management: Guia Completo Sobre Gestão de Desempenho de Ativos
Descubra como a Gestão de Desempenho de Ativos (Asset Performance Management) funciona e como pode aumentar a eficiência e reduzir custos em sua indústria.
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Maintenance in Industry 4.0: The Role of Management Software
Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is transforming manufacturing processes, especially the maintenance sector. It has been revolutionizing production chains around the world through new technologies. In the context of Industry 4.0, industrial maintenance management has become even more crucial. The convergence of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and automation, has transformed the way companies approach the maintenance of
Marianna Musso
How TRACTIAN Helps Your Maintenance Management
TRACTIAN exists to facilitate and optimize the routine of the professionals who work on the front line of industries, the maintenance managers. Our goal is simple and clear, but understanding how we put it into practice may seem a little more complicated, since our products differ from everything else in the maintenance market today. That is why, today, we bring you a complete manual of all the TRACTIAN solutions so you can understand once and for all who we are, what we do, and ho
Alex Vedan
Maintenance software (CMMS): ultimate guide [2021]
Having your assets in perfect operation is a crucial factor for the industry and quality in production, considering that a number of obstacles may hamper their best functioning. Even though the industry has plenty of information about its assets, with a massive amount of paper and a well-structured maintenance routine, you might encounter an astonishing lack of knowledge in this field. For decades, the maintenance sector has only been remembered in emergency situations and as a source of
Alex Vedan
TRACTIAN Video Library
Discover our YouTube ChannelCMMS Software: How to Get Time and Cost Reports on TRACTIAN’s Management Solution
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MAINTENANCE KPIs: Getting Key Performance Indicators for Maintenance with Tractian’s CMMS Software
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TRACTIAN Presents: No Service
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