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Contaminação cruzada: o que é, como evitar e consequências
Um problema sério nas indústrias, a contaminação cruzada tem o potencial para causar danos significativos à saúde pública e à reputação das empresas. E esse não é um desafio simples de lidar. De acordo com dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde, da ONU, estima-se que 600 milhões de pessoas são afetadas anualmente por doenças de origem alimentar, resultando em 420.000 mortes. Números alarmantes que destacam a importância de entender e combater a infecção cruzada na indústria aliment
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Maintenance Procedures and Their Importance
Procedures, in the broadest sense, are the way something is performed, that is, a technique, process, or method of work. In industrial environments, these tools are widely used in the search for certain patterns of routine tasks and execution. It’s common for people to refer to procedures as work instructions, which they are, but technically there’s a difference. A procedure is a description of the activities involved in the flow of a job. In other words, it’s a macro and standardi
Luis Cyrino
The Complete Guide to Predictive Maintenance
As industries progress, the perception of the maintenance sector follows suit. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, we see value in creating plans and executing them before problems happen. This shift also brings about a transformation within the maintenance landscape itself. The focus is no longer solely on repairing machines; it’s about maintaining a steady pace and ensuring constant operations. Even though maintenance teams are still responsible for fixing significant failur
Pedro Piovesan
How TRACTIAN Helps Your Maintenance Management
TRACTIAN exists to facilitate and optimize the routine of the professionals who work on the front line of industries, the maintenance managers. Our goal is simple and clear, but understanding how we put it into practice may seem a little more complicated, since our products differ from everything else in the maintenance market today. That is why, today, we bring you a complete manual of all the TRACTIAN solutions so you can understand once and for all who we are, what we do, and ho
Alex Vedan
Offline and Online Predictive Maintenance?
You already know that in maintenance management, predictive maintenance is how we call the continuous monitoring of an asset. This methodology is directly related to the prevention of potential failures that can affect the machine’s condition. And to prevent them, monitoring based on data collection is required. There are two methods of asset monitoring in predictive maintenance: offline monitoring and online monitoring. The name may be similar, but they are very different from o
Alex Vedan
What Is Vibration Analysis and How To Implement It
Generally, it’s near impossible to avoid vibration in day-to-day life. In industrial equipment, this is even truer. Vibration often occurs because of contact between machine parts, unbalances, and misalignments, but there are many reasons a machine might vibrate – good and bad. This is where proactive maintenance strategies become important, especially vibration analysis. Analyzing vibration is one of the first steps in preventing failures, which is the main goal of both proactive mainte
TRACTIAN Video Library
Discover our YouTube ChannelCMMS Software: How to Get Time and Cost Reports on TRACTIAN’s Management Solution
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MAINTENANCE KPIs: Getting Key Performance Indicators for Maintenance with Tractian’s CMMS Software
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TRACTIAN Presents: No Service
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