banner-TRACTIAN Raises $3.2 Million Round to Reshape Predictive Maintenance

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TRACTIAN Raises $3.2 Million Round to Reshape Predictive Maintenance

Letter From the Founders, Igor and Gabriel

These past 18 months have been an incredible ride. Today we are happy to share with the world (and especially you reading this) that we’ve raised our Seed round of $3.2 million dollars from DGF Investments, co-led by Citrino, to continue supporting and innovating the work of essential maintenance workers worldwide. DGF joins our existing investors Soma Capital, Liquid 2 Ventures, Norte Ventures, Cibersons, and Y Combinator.

This reaffirms our long-term commitment to reshaping maintenance and predictive management with the simplest and smartest software and hardware in the market.

Tractian has quickly become Brazil’s fastest growing industrial startup, enabling from SMBs to large enterprise businesses, like AbInBev, Embraer, Yara, and Electrolux, to make their maintenance sweet. To date, over 5 million machine spectrums have been collected on Tractian, and over 3000 industrial breakdowns were avoided nationwide.

When the news of the investment was spread internally!

Some exciting newly invested faces

We’re ecstatic to welcome Claudia Massei, CEO of Siemens in Oman – considered the 68th most powerful executive in the Middle East in 2020 by Forbes magazine – as investor and board advisor. I also want to take a moment to thank our existing investors who believe wholeheartedly in Tractian’s mission and who’ve followed on their investments. Along with Claudia, we have some fantastic new investors like Anna Shedletsky, Aneel Ranadive, Marcelo Cabral, Guilherme Prado, Fred Greve, Sidney Chameh, Daniel Heise, and many more who have climbed aboard the Tractian rocket.

Nowadays, predictive maintenance is, in a way, a luxury for companies that want to avoid unforeseen circumstances and headaches caused by machine breakdowns. In the not-so-distant future, predictive maintenance will be a matter of competitive advantage – predictability will be the key in an increasingly digital world and Tractian’s technology is best positioned to help national and international companies in this regard.

Claudia Massei

The journey has just begun

We’re excited about what the future holds and how we can grow by focusing on some key areas with this additional funding. We are increasing our team from 30 to 100 people and eager to go from 45 industries to 600 in just 18 months. Also starting our international growth trajectory is a huge focus, giving the highly similarity in LATAM factories and facilities teams.

Shipping is king

Perfecting our product experience for the maintenance workforce has always been a top priority. Truth be told, we (the founders) have always been more nerd and addicted to ship better product like no one else, make stuff that naturally upsell without extra effort, focusing on product led growth and end user-​focused growth model.

But without a great team, a great product can’t exist. At Tractian, we value fostering a phenomenal work environment that shines through every touchpoint. That’s why we’re honing in on hiring exceptional talent to grow faster, build better, and efficiently support everyone.

TRACTIAN’s team celebrating, *partially due to COVID, half of the team is still remote

To all our customers who perform the tough and necessary jobs that keep our world safe and running, thank you. We are honored to have the opportunity to serve you each and every day.

Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas

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