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Remote Asset Monitoring: O que é, benefícios e como implementar na indústria
Entenda o conceito de Remote Asset Monitoring, como funciona e seus benefícios. Descubra como ela melhora a manutenção, a confiabilidade e a eficiência.
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Sensitive Inspection Routes: Optimizing Industrial Maintenance
One of the most widely used maintenance techniques, sensitive inspection routes consist of using the human senses to assess equipment and component condition. Sensitive inspection relies fully on the inspector’s expertise, and through it, it’s possible to identify a series of faults and serious problems in machines and processes. By hearing, it’s possible to identify irregular noises such as knocking, rattling, and dragging sounds, indicating overloads, loose parts, and excessive vibration, am
David Lee

How Yara's Maintenance Became a Reference for Efficiency and Profitability
Yara is the largest fertilizer manufacturer in the world – they have sales in 140 countries across the globe with over 200 warehouses, blending units, and bagging facilities in 60 of those countries. They pioneered the use of nitrogen-based systems in the industry, and continue to lead innovation in the crop nutrition sector. With production sites on six continents, Yara quickly realized they were indispensable. After all, they’re responsible for fertilizing around 80% of the food chain. This r
David Lee

Maintenance Procedures and Their Importance
Procedures, in the broadest sense, are the way something is performed, that is, a technique, process, or method of work. In industrial environments, these tools are widely used in the search for certain patterns of routine tasks and execution. It’s common for people to refer to procedures as work instructions, which they are, but technically there’s a difference. A procedure is a description of the activities involved in the flow of a job. In other words, it’s a macro and standardized script
Luis Cyrino

How TRACTIAN Helps Your Maintenance Management
TRACTIAN exists to facilitate and optimize the routine of the professionals who work on the front line of industries, the maintenance managers. Our goal is simple and clear, but understanding how we put it into practice may seem a little more complicated, since our products differ from everything else in the maintenance market today. That is why, today, we bring you a complete manual of all the TRACTIAN solutions so you can understand once and for all who we are, what we do, and how our predi
Alex Vedan

Offline and Online Predictive Maintenance?
You already know that in maintenance management, predictive maintenance is how we call the continuous monitoring of an asset. This methodology is directly related to the prevention of potential failures that can affect the machine’s condition. And to prevent them, monitoring based on data collection is required. There are two methods of asset monitoring in predictive maintenance: offline monitoring and online monitoring. The name may be similar, but they are very different from one another, e
Alex Vedan

Which Assets Can TRACTIAN Monitor?
Unfortunately, it’s normal for maintenance to be remembered only in times of crisis. Teams will often implement reactive maintenance strategies when they should be using predictive or preventive maintenance, which results in increased costs. This only hinders maintainers, delaying the company’s innovation and efficiency. With massive amounts of assets to monitor it can be difficult for maintenance teams to stay on top of things, especially with the spreadsheets most managers still use. TRACTIAN
Alex Vedan
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CMMS Software: How to Get Time and Cost Reports on TRACTIAN’s Management Solution
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MAINTENANCE KPIs: Getting Key Performance Indicators for Maintenance with Tractian’s CMMS Software
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TRACTIAN Presents: No Service
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